Written by Madison Butkus
Local weekly magazine reporter
Sponsored by Tewksbury Public Library, Dovertown Library (DTL) shared an online event, “How to Travel More (and Better),” last Thursday, February 1st. In this presentation, author Colin Wright talks about his personal experience of traveling the world full-time, how to think about travel as a concept, how to incorporate vacation into any lifestyle, and, We've shared some resources to help you realize your ambitions. In reality.
According to DTL's website, “Wright has written dozens of books, hosts three podcasts, and speaks to audiences around the world on a variety of subjects. He has been working full-time since 2009. He began traveling, living out of carry-on baggage every four months while readers voted on which country to move to next. Since then, he has visited more than 60 countries and all 48 contiguous United States. (at least three times per production). He currently lives in Milwaukee and has a home base from which he travels.”
At the ripe age of 24, Wright made the courageous decision to sell all his belongings, keep just enough to fit in his carry-on, and travel the world. He realized that his corporate job was putting a lot of stress on his life and wanted to fulfill his dream of traveling wherever possible.
He described how during his travels he felt a newfound love for the world around him, and how his expectations are always challenged when he arrives in a new place. “I was able to absorb so many different cultures and lifestyles. I was able to see different versions of myself and myself in different environments. I was able to meet more people than ever before, and all of these experiences and encounters were enriching because they not only deepened my understanding of myself and myself; Because I was able to challenge everything I thought I knew about myself, others, the world, my beliefs, my understanding, my goals, absolutely everything. The point is that even if you're just hopping on a train or bus, you can broaden your horizons in a very dramatic and substantial way, and that has a lot of impact on the rest of your life. .for the rest of my life,” Wright explained.
Wright suggests that in order to prioritize travel in your life, you need to think of it as a concept with three main ideas. First, we travel for a variety of reasons including food, culture, religion, etc., and there is no wrong reason to travel. Second, there are assumptions that traveling is too expensive or that you have to do it often, but that doesn't have to be the case. Any trip can be casual and inexpensive as long as it's fun and stress-free. His third and final thought is that travel as a whole is extremely valuable and can be easily incorporated into our lives with the right tools and management.
Wright explains that the benefits of incorporating travel into our lives include being exposed to novelty, breaking the routine, and expanding the context of many things we may not know. I am. To achieve these benefits and fit all kinds of travel into your schedule, Wright suggests taking the lowest-cost mini-vacations possible. We encourage everyone to get as much out of their smartphones as possible, using Google Flights, Virbo, Airbnb, Google Translate, Mango Languages, and more for a greater travel experience.
No matter where we go or how long we stay, Wright emphasizes the importance of travel and the benefits it has for our mental as well as physical health. He encourages us to do our best wherever we go and enjoy the world around us as much as possible. For more information about Colin Wright, please visit his website at colin.io.